fredag 3. september 2010

Eivor Andersen Oftestad disputerer i kirkehistorie 8. oktober

Prøveforelesningen finner sted på Det teologiske fakultet, torsdag 7. oktober kl 17.15-18. Tittel på prøveforelesning oppgis 14 dager før.

Disputasen finner sted samme sted, fredag 8. oktober fra kl 10.15 til ca kl 14.

Tittelen på avhandlingen er "The house of God : The translation of the Temple and the interpretation of the Lateran cathedral in the twelfth century"

Opponenter er Lektor Kurt Villads Jensen, Syddansk Universitet og Professor Torstein Jørgensen, Misjonshøgskolen. Kommiteen ledes av Professor Øyvind Norderval, Det teologiske fakultet, UiO.

Resymé av avhandlingen

The thesis centers about the twelfth century and asks how the Lateran cathedral of Rome was conceived as a continuation of the temple of Jerusalem. The main source of the thesis is a tract, probably composed by the canons of the cathedral, Descriptio Lateranensis Ecclesiae (DLE). Oftestad suggest to date the early version of this tract shortly after the First Crusade and the conquest of Jerusalem in 1099 (between 1106 and 1118), contrary to a traditional dating between 1073-1118. Her interpretation differs from earlier research as she presupposes a changed comprehension of Jerusalem, emerging after the First Crusade, as constitutive to the concept of the Lateran in this period. The idea of translatio templi is thus interpreted in a spesific historical and theological context. The analysis also includes liturgical sources from the Lateran, narrative sources from the First Crusade and a comprehension of DLE in a spesific manuscript context.

